S4TE-Doc Everything you always wanted to know about S4TE 2.0

Noroy C, Lefrançois T, and Meyer DF (2019). Searching Algorithm for Type IV Effector proteins (S4TE) 2.0 : improved tools for type IV effector prediction, analysis and comparison in proteobacteria. PLOS Computational Biology,15(3) : e1006847, first published online March 25, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006847

Meyer DF, Noroy C, Moumène A, Raffaele S, Albina E, Vachiéry N. (2013). Searching algorithm for type IV secretion system effectors 1.0 : a tool for predicting type IV effectors and exploring their genomic context. Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (20) : 9218-9229, first published online August 13, 2013, doi:10.1093/nar/gkt718

Frequently asked questions
Download S4TE 1.4 package S4TE1.4.zip

Please note that S4TE 2.0 is intended for academic user only. Other users are requested to contact S4TE Project Manager at sate@cirad.fr. Please do not redistribute S4TE in any form to other users. We prefer that all users download their own copy from the S4TE website directly in order to maintain a list of users.

S4TE 2.0 software and website were developed and designed by Christophe Noroy and Damien F. Meyer